After a long walk we finally reached Bhandak Thatch. The last camp of our trek. The camp was no less than Switzerland. Green meadows completely covered with grasslands and surrounded by mountains. The sight of cattle grazing on these grassland, tall pine trees covering the forest, far view of the snow mountains and our tents laid out in the middle. Everyone were amused by this sight. I really felt jealous of the camp leader here, for he could stay in this heavenly place for close to a month. The real celebration of completing the trek was so visible today in all of us or may be the very place demanded a celebration.
By this time, my body had started answering, I felt a little tired. I took out my camera and started exploring the camp site. Soon handed over the camera to Suhas. Thought of spending some quite time watching the sun setting. The energetic group resounded a YES! for any game. No one was inside the tent that whole evening. They played Lagori, Kho-Kho and Dodge ball. I am sure they had great fun. I had fun watching them play.
You can see them in action in this picture. Lagori was in full swing. Every throw that hit the stones, a roaring sound of the group and then the game begins chasing the ball and the other team scattering not to get hit and mean while see that the stones are put back in its place. The games helped them get warmed up. It was an extremely cold evening.
Just when you were realizing how colorful our lives were, the nature around was preparing itself to end another beautiful day. The mountains at the horizon hid behind a cover of mist. The sky turned a mixture of colors. Rather the sight was as if different colors danced on the sky just as the painter moves his brush over his art. People who were engrossed in playing came running towards the hills to bid bye and enjoyed the sight of the lovely sky. Golden rays of the setting sun fell on the hills escaping through the tall pine trees. We watched the sky till it became completely dark and walked back to our tents.
After dinner I walked back to this place and sat for some more time with a plan to spend night out there watching the nature all night. Raja, the only impossible guy under the sun only can change such crazy plans of mine. We walked back to our tents.
Temperature was the lowest that night, we experience a 0 degrees. It was difficult to digest this fact when I was told so the next day morning. I was still alive, very much alive. The group quickly packed their bags to start their journey back to base camp after posing in the sun for a group picture.